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Design Justice Toronto - Book Club + Node Meeting

Next Meeting: 

Tuesday, August 18
7:00pm EST

We will continue with our reading of Design Justice by Sasha Costanza-Chock - discussion questions are posted below! We will also talk about other DJN Network updates, and our upcoming invitation for an event in Toronto!

Chapter of Focus #4:

Discussion Questions:

  1. Local hackerspaces, fablabs, or hackathons: Do you know of any in your area, or have you participated in any of these spaces? How were they including the community they intended to serve? How do they give credit to everyone involved?

  2. One argument in this chapter is the idea that designing from scratch is more fun and feels more creative than working on existing projects. Sasha suggests that this is partly because new solutions tend to be simpler and carry more immediate rewards, as well as producing attribution, credit and visibility for its developers. With existing tools, the improvements may feel smaller, and the attribution, credit and visibility must be shared. Do you feel more creative working on new versus existing projects? How might we, as designers and as a greater community, encourage ourselves to find inspiration in contributing to what exists?

  3. This chapter closes with the Audre Lorde quote, "The master's tools can never be used to dismantle the master's house." Do you think design justice principles can transform design sites enough so that they can become truly inclusive, feminist, and antiracist spaces? Why? What does the future successful inclusive design space look like to you?

Meeting Location
Dial-in: +1.512.402.2718 PIN: 2959 7072 64

Earlier Event: August 6
#NodesConnect August meeting