Design Justice Steering Committee
The DJN is guided by a Steering Committee. The Steering Committee sets high level strategy, determines the overall network structure, approves the budget, maintains information about the DJN’s structure, and reviews and approves new Local Nodes and Working Groups.
Current Steering Committee Members
Steering Committee Alumnx
How to join the DJN Steering Committee
Steering Committee members are long-time participants in the network who have played an active role in its formation and taken part in facilitation roles in Local Nodes or Working Groups. New Steering Committee members are approved by consensus of the existing Steering Committee. If you'd like to join, get in touch with the existing members!
Our Decision-Making Process
Throughout the DJN, we use informal consensus when possible. If we get stuck, we start by revisiting the Design Justice Network Principlesand try again for informal consensus. If we're still stuck, then we switch to formal consensus process.
As the network grows, our Steering Committee will revisit our shared decision-making process as needed. We are also inspired by the AORTA Cooperative's guide to anti-oppressive facilitation for democratic process.
We also recognize that as we’ve grown from a small circle, into a larger over 500-member based organization (in about 5 years), that we do not have (and did not start with) any community guidelines, and so we will start by adopting these from the Allied Media Projects and AMC: We would like to revise these to make them specific to DJN in the future, and would love if any DJN members are interested in such a process, to reach out (potentially creating a small working group that could take this on)!