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Design Justice Toronto - Book Club + Node Meeting (7pm EST, GMT-4)

Next Meeting: 

Thursday, Sept 17th 
7:00pm EST

Chapter of Focus #5:

We will continue with our reading of Design Justice by Sasha Costanza-Chock, and we will also talk about other DJN Network updates, and our upcoming invitations for digital events in Toronto!

Discussion Questions:

  1. “We need to expand on the notion of ‘digital fluency’ to include designing and creating, not just browning and interacting” This quote speaks to the constructionist development of the Scratch programming language mentioned in the chapter. Is there currently popular design literacy? What could/should design literacy include? 

  2. In this chapter Sasha uses the MIT Codesign Studio case studies to discuss the practice and potential challenges approached using the Design Justice Network Principles.What are some barriers to practicing design justice you’ve anticipated or experienced? What are ways you’ve found to action design justice principles (building praxis) into your own work ?

Meeting Location
Dial-in: +1.512.402.2718 PIN: 2959 7072 64