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Design Justice Toronto - Book Club + Node Meeting (7pm EST, GMT-4)

Next Meeting: 

Tuesday, October 13th 
7:00pm EST

Chapter of Focus #6:

We will continue with our reading of Design Justice by Sasha Costanza-Chock, and we will also talk about other DJN Network updates, and our upcoming invitations for digital events in Toronto!

Discussion Questions:

  1. Further specification by design domain” is an overarching direction for future work. These specifications are later classified (as in the chapters of the book) as Values, Practices, Narratives, Sites, Pedagogies. In your “design domain”, how do you imagine this specification might look? Do any of these five areas stand out as opportunities for putting design justice into practice in your own work?

  2. Sasha describes that “the specific implications for design theory and practice must be specified and localized. However, there is no reason why design justice as a framework should only be useful in the US context.” What major differences in application do you foresee between a US and Canadian context? Where might design justice be inappropriate to apply, especially considering a history of design as colonialism? (this article is great)

Meeting Location
Dial-in: +1.512.402.2718 PIN: 2959 7072 64