The NYC Reading Group's third meeting will be held on Sunday, Nov. 1st from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. ET. We will focus on Chapter 4. Design Sites: Hackerspaces, Fablabs, Hackathons, and DiscoTechs. Please find the dial-in information for the call below:
Click the following link to join the meeting from your computer:
All are welcome - whether you have read the text or not!
Meeting Details:
Sunday, November 1st
3:00pm - 4:30pm EST (GMT-5)
To support the author, please purchase a copy of the book here:
Just want to dial in on your phone? Call one of the following numbers:
Australia: +61.8.7150.1136
Brazil: +55.21.3500.0112
Canada: +1.437.538.3987
France: +
Germany: +49.89.380.38719
Japan: +81.3.4510.2372
Netherlands: +
Spain: +34.932.205.409
Switzerland: +41.61.588.0496
UK: +44.203.885.2179
US: +1.512.647.1431
Dial your meeting ID: '3302297546' and you will be connected!