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Vancouver Node: Show & Tell: Just & Equitable Design Tools (Round 2!) (6pm PST, UTC-8)

Hello everyone from and wanting to join the Vancouver Design Justice Node! Thank you to those of you who joined our last working group meeting on Feb. 25 - Show & Tell: Just & Equitable Design Tools!

We had a really lovely session and decided to make a second installment as we had plenty of ideas, tools, and practices that we didn't get to. Here's the invite for the next Show & Tell, we hope you can make it!

Show & Tell: Just & Equitable Design Tools (Round 2!)
Thurs. Mar. 11, 6-7PM Pacific Time

Zoom link:

What specific tools or practices have you tried or heard of for applying justice and equity in design?

Join us for the Show & Tell to share and learn about tools/practices/resources you've come across!

How it works: Anyone is welcome to bring a tool/practice/resource for applying justice and equity in design, and do a mini presentation (~5-8min, no slides required!). Then, we can discuss pros and cons, and share thoughts and questions as a group!

Learn more, sign up to share something, or see what's been shared: More details here :)

This is a casual, group learning meet-up! Please know that no one is expected to be an "expert" to share a tool/practice.

If you have any accessibility concerns or questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out to us beforehand, or add to the community agreements in this document.


Missed the Feb 25 Show & Tell and want to find out what happened?


Thanks for sharing space with us and hope to see you there! If you have any accessibility concerns or questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out beforehand: