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DJN Chicago Monthly meeting (6:30pm CDT)

Our next meeting is planned for Thursday March 25th at 6:30 pm central time. Our agenda is pretty exciting, Matt and Daphne will be introducing us to a super cool storytelling/relationship building concept and share some profiles of each other to help us get to know them better. The hope is that we could ask them some questions, get familiar with the project, and then pair off so we could all have a chance to get to know other members within the node!

We will also be preparing for a series of visioning sessions so that we can start to get a clearer idea together of what folks can expect from the Chicago Local node and what we are all hoping from coming together in this space.

Spring Visioning Sessions

Attached are some notes that might help to give everyone a bit of transparency around what some of our plans are as a Chicago node over the spring season. The plan is to center some visioning sessions (maybe ~3), with objectives that include:

  • Openly discuss our expectations, hopes, and goals within the node (i.e. set some community agreements, what do the design justice principles mean to us?)

  • Start naming and framing some projects/initiatives we might want to work together on as a Design Justice Chicago node

  • Identify some people who might be interested in leading some projects or working groups

    • intentionally starting with small scale collaborative projects to get a feeling for how we work together and what might make sense

In order to try and best accommodate those of you who are interested in joining for the first visioning session in April, please fill out the doodle poll linked here.

We will be referring to the Local Node Zine often throughout the visioning sessions, so fo those of you interested in joining please try and take some time to familiarize yourself with the resource here.

In case you are interested in supporting as a facilitator, please reach out directly:

Thursday, Mar 25, 2021
6:30 PM CT, (GMT-05)

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Meeting ID: 847 8385 7678
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