External Resources 

This is a collaborative list of external links to articles, guides, books, and resources about Design Justice in the world.


Benjamin, Ruha. Race after technology: Abolitionist tools for the New Jim code. John Wiley & Sons, 2019.

Broussard, Meredith. Artificial unintelligence: how computers misunderstand the world. MIT Press, 2018.

Costanza-Chock, Sasha. Design justice: community-led practices to build the worlds we need. MIT Press, 2020.

D’Ignazio, Catherine, and Lauren Klein. Data feminism. MIT Press, 2019. https://bookbook.pubpub.org/data-feminism

Escobar, Arturo. Designs for the pluriverse: Radical interdependence, autonomy, and the making of worlds. Duke University Press, 2018.

Eubanks, Virginia. Automating inequality: How high-tech tools profile, police, and punish the poor. St. Martin's Press, 2018.

Friedman, Batya, and David G. Hendry. Value sensitive design: Shaping technology with moral imagination. Mit Press, 2019.

Holmes, Kat. Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design. MIT Press, 2018.

Noble, Safiya Umoja. Algorithms of oppression: How search engines reinforce racism. nyu Press, 2018.

Schuler, Douglas, and Aki Namioka, eds. Participatory design: Principles and practices. CRC Press, 1993.


Documents and Statements

Design Justice Network Principles

International Indigenous Design Charter: https://www.ico-d.org/resources/indigo

Seven Principles of Universal Design: https://www.udll.com/media-room/articles/the-seven-principles-of-universal-design/


Directories and Resource Guides

Civic Tech Field Guide: https://civictech.guide/

MoreThanCode directory of organizations working at the intersection of tech, design, social justice, and/or the public interest: https://morethancode.cc/orglist/

Resource Guide by Ruha Benjamin: https://www.ruhabenjamin.com/resources