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DJN 臺灣 - 第一次聚會! | DJN Taiwan - 1st Gathering/ Meet and Greet Session!

DJN 臺灣 - 第一次聚會! (in English, below)

DJN 在台灣的第一場 local node,這是一場很輕鬆自在的交流討論會。因空間有限,現場已額滿,邀請有興趣的大家來線上跟我們一起討論設計正義 (Design Justice):認識 DJN 原則,並討論它可以如何更在地化地被實踐!

台灣時間 12/12 下午 2 點到 4 點,邀請大家可以自備零食飲料,與我們在線上相會。



Google Meet 連結:




Join for the first DJN Taiwan Node Session on December 12th: it will be both an in-person and online event (in-person spots are already full!), from 2 pm - 4 pm CST (GMT+08). Food and drinks will be provided for those in person, and we invite those joining online to have a snack or beverage nearby!

We will discuss the possibilities for a DJN node in Taiwan and share our stories and ideas! All are welcome - looking forward to seeing you soon.

Date/Time [time zone]: December 12th 2-4 pm [Taipei time, CST (GMT+08)]

Location: Beitou district, Taipei (in-person spots are full)
Online join link, on Google Meet:

Language use: Mandarin Chinese (中文)
(the meeting will take place in Mandarin Chinese (中文) language)

For more info, please contact: