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Node & Working Group Facilitators Connect: December 2021 meeting (8pm ET, GMT-05)

As the Design Justice Network continues to expand, in order to be in better communication with our nodes and working groups around the world, we are shifting the Facilitators Connect meetings monthly timing. For the rest of 2021, we are alternating the times of the meetings as follows:

1st Thursday of the month - alternative odd/even month timings:

  • Odd Months: @ 12:30 pm ET time (GMT-04)

  • Even Months: @ 8 pm ET time (GMT-04)

We are alternating the meeting times for odd and even months - to create a consistent schedule, and also, allow for more and easier participation from non-north-American locations (ET).

These meetings are for DJN members who are currently active facilitators of Design Justice Network Local Nodes or Working Groups, or for folks who are in the process of starting up a new Node or Working Group!

At these meetings, Node Facilitators connect to share experiences, support one another, and sometimes collaborate on projects.

We will host these meetings online through video (or non-video) chat, with a call-in number: - click the link to join OR

Dial-in: +1.512.402.2718 PIN: 2445 7233 19
Country specific Dial-In numbers:

If you are a part of a local node- OR looking to start one up, please join us for this call on:

Thursday, December 2nd at 8:00 pm ET

To find your local time - please take a look here: