Updates: Principles, Track at AMC 2018 + Getting Involved!

Hello Design Justice Network!

The Design Justice Network organizes people from a variety of design backgrounds including graphic, architecture, planning, visual art, and people who are impacted by design, to create work and processes according to a set of shared principles. Here are a couple important updates:

1. Finalized principles
2. Design Justice Track @ AMC 2018
3. Getting more involved & supporting the network

1. Finalized principles
We’re excited to announce that the Design Justice Principles are now finalized! Thank you to the many people who participated in the collaborative editing process. Please read, share, and don’t forget to become a signatory if you haven’t already.

2. Design Justice Track @ AMC 2018
Design Justice is returning to the Allied Media Conference this year! Please consider submitting a session proposal: https://www.alliedmedia.org/amc2018/design-justice-track

Proposal submissions are due by March 16th.

3. Getting more involved & supporting the network
Want to get more involved? If you’re organizing a local design justice event, let us know by emailing designjusticenetwork@gmail.com so we can help promote it! You can also make a donation, which will help support the AMC track, zine printing, and website hosting costs.

Stay tuned for more ways to get involved!

- Design Justice Network Team