Some Design Justice themed gifts (for the holidays or any time!)

This was a special sent in our November newsletter- since then, we’ve received a couple new links, so they are added below! If you have other ideas and links to share- please post something in the comments section!

  1. Design Justice Network merch - Design Justice merchandise- zines, stickers, posters, t-shirts etc.

  2. The Oracle for Transfeminist Technologies (Card Deck, pre-order): This oracle is a hands-on card deck designed to help us collectively envision and share ideas for transfeminist technologies from the future. 

  3. A Designer's Critical Alphabet cards This deck of cards was designed to introduce designers and design students to critical theory and to help them reflect on their design process. Each card introduces theory under that letter. Then the cards introduce a question or comment to help make a connection to the theory and design practice.

  4. JustSeeds Artists’ Cooperative Artwork/Designs:  a decentralized network of 41+ artists committed to social, environmental, and political engagement. With members working from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, Justseeds operates both as a unified collaboration of similarly minded printmakers and as a loose collection of creative individuals with unique viewpoints and working methods.

  5. Sustain and Nourish Black Womxn Flourish: a design for wellbeing collective shaping the future of Black womxn’s health and healing through creative, community-led practices.

  6. Artwork for Equity (Creative Reaction Lab): Creative Reaction Lab’s mission is to educate, train, and challenge Black and Latinx youth to become leaders designing healthy and racially equitable communities.

  7. Design Pivot Cards: These design cards help you pivot your designs when you're stuck.

  8. Parents are Human Cards: A bilingual connection card game designed to spark meaningful conversation between you and your family.

  9. Certain Days 2021 Political Prisoners Support Calendar: The Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar is a joint fundraising and educational project between outside organizers in Montreal, Hamilton, New York and Baltimore, with two political prisoners being held in maximum-security prisons: David Gilbert in New York and Xinachtli (s/n Alvaro Luna Hernandez) in Texas. Founding members Herman Bell and Robert Seth Hayes were happily welcomed home from prison in 2018

  10. Riseup Support: Riseup service runs our DJN newsletter (technical side) and individually we try to contribute to keep it running! Riseup works tirelessly to create grassroots technology alternatives that address the communication needs of people and organizations working for social change. When you get a service from a corporation that doesn’t charge you, chances are that the money comes from extensive surveillance. Riseup, on the other hand, relies on donations by users like you who believe in supporting democratic alternatives. They also welcome other contributions. Artists who can spare the time to help with graphic design, printers who can help print t-shirts or stickers, programmers that develop software we use and fix some of the bugs you find and translators who can help us make our communications more accessible are ways you can make a contribution to riseup and movements around the world. If you’d like to donate your labor, please send a note to

If you have other ideas and links to share- please post something in the comments section!