Hello & Updates from the Design Justice Network

Dear Design Justice Network Members,

Like all of you, we are doing our best to stay calm, support our families, friends, and communities, #StayHome as much as possible, and wash our hands. It's a difficult time, and many in our network are exploring how to take care of ourselves and one another from a distance.  

We have a few updates that we've been meaning to share for a while, so here they are (below). TL,DR (too long, didn’t read): We've got a new website, several upcoming remote meetings, and a new 'Zine in the works! We also are in close conversation with our friends at the Allied Media Conference and will share an update about our planned Design Justice Network Gathering at AMC as soon as we can. We also welcomed a new steering committee member, Denise Shanté Brown, who has been working with some folks on a membership engagement strategy; you can read more about Denise’s awesomeness here:  https://designjustice.org/steering-committee 

We'd love to hear about what you all are doing to practice #DesignJustice during a global pandemic. Please share your stories and ideas - via the members mailing list, on Slack, and/or via social media!

For now, see you on the 'net. With love,

Victoria, Sasha, Denise, Una and Wes

For the Design Justice Network Steering Committee


  1. Website Announcement: please click here to read about our new website

  2. DJN Lunch meetup, Friday March 27th, 1pm EST/ noon CST / 10am PST - check here for details: https://designjustice.org/events

  3. #NodesConnect Meeting, Wednesday, April 1st at 8pm EST/7pm CST/5pm PST - check here for details: https://designjustice.org/events

  4. DJN Toronto Next 2 meetings: Tuesday, March 24th @ 6:30pm - check here for details: https://designjustice.org/events

  5. Membership Engagement Strategy 

At the end of January, we started an exciting collaboration with the School of Visual Arts Design for Social Innovation students! They’re been speaking with some of our DJN members and potential members to gain a deeper understanding of 1) what folx want to experience as members 2) how we can better communicate the awesome work we’re doing as a network and 3) provide opportunities for members to be in conversation and practice with the principles.

We now have some ideas on virtual ways people can share with us how they are engaging with DJN. Members can participate in this activity in the coming weeks and get updates by joining our @membership_engagement Slack channel.

Huge gratitude to the awesome Design for Social Innovation Team: Leah Brown, Laura Ceron Melo, Alyson Fraser Diaz and Dasha Zlochevsky.

Shoutout to our newest Steering Committee member, Denise Shanté Brown, for guiding this project, to Wes Taylor, Rigoberto Lara Guzmán and Nour who’ve joined our virtual meetings and everyone who has taken the time to participate in sharing their experiences!

Look for an update soon about the DJN Network Gathering at AMC!