Now Available: Zine Issue #5: How to make a local Design Justice node

After over a year of work - editing, writing, re-writing, styling, formatting, designing, ideating, reviewing, drawing, sketching, and multiple sessions of important feedback and idea generating, we are now proud to launch the official Design Justice Issue #5 Zine: How to make a local Design Justice node!

Check out the zine here:

The zine features information on how to get started in organizing a local node in your neighbourhood, community or area, and of course information on what local nodes do/can do! There is a step-by-step guide on the steps to take in order to initiate a group to get a node started, as well highlights the supports available to you before becoming a node, and once you are officially registered as one!

We invite you take a look through and and print out a copy if you wish! Right now we only have it available digitally on our website here: - but with intentions to have it printed and available for purchase!

A huge thank you to the amazing team that put this together (below), and a shout out to the Toronto Design Justice node, who took leadership in supporting this process to see it through to it’s completion! We now have a readily accessible resource for all local nodes, and future local nodes! (We will also turn the zine into an html page on our website in the coming weeks!)

Written and Edited by Victoria Barnett, Laura Carter, Sasha Costanza-Chock, Ryan Hayes, Garance Malivel, Rebecca Michelson, Wesley Taylor, and Maya Wagoner

Reviewers: Una Lee, Andrea Ngan, Denise Shanté Brown

Design & Illustration: Marcia Díaz (illustrations), Camilo Calderón (layout, design)