DJN Retreat Share back, Summer 2022
Hello Community,
This past winter we celebrated the launch of the Design Justice Network's Mission and Vision, as well as the Intentions of the Staff and Steering Committee (M/V/I). The energy cultivated from that experience continues to ground us. Cultivating a deeply interconnected network, advancing and embodying the DJN principles in practice, and amplifying experiences of joy throughout the network are our driving forces, as we move into a new season.
This past year we brought on new Steering Committee members Nour Arafat, Boaz Sender, Elena Silvestrini, and Marta Delatte (to learn more about them please click here). Currently, the DJN Steering Committee is an all-volunteer body that sets high-level strategy, determines the overall network structure, approves the budget, maintains information about the DJN’s structure, and reviews and approves new Local Nodes and Working Groups.
On April 29th and May 11th, 2022, we had the most recent DJN SC retreat, including the new SC members and staff. This took place virtually over two sessions. Our goal here is to give you a sense of what happened and share some of our key takeaways and next moves.
Some Highlights from our Retreat:
Our most recent retreat took place remotely over two sessions. Throughout both days, we shared facilitation responsibilities, integrating our unique perspectives and styles to guide the retreat experience. Our framework was guided by Holding Change: The Way of Emergent Strategy Facilitation and Mediation by adrienne maree brown. Here we want to share back a few highlights.
Our Retreat Agenda:
April 29: Retreat Day One
Check-Ins & Grounding, Guidance & Insight 1:1, Design Justice Love Stories, Break, Roles & Capacity, Seasonal Plans & Strategy
May 11: Retreat Day Two
Check-Ins & Grounding, Guidance & Insight 1:1, Grounding Into Where We Are Now, Break, Decision Making
Design Justice Love Stories: We began with Design Justice Love Stories to connect the SC members.
“While doing the work of design justice we can often forget why we started and/or what keeps us a part of the practice, the movement, the vision. Reflecting on our Design Justice Love Stories offers space for mental time travel and to consider how our past love is informing our present (as current DJN SC members, and staff), and our future. Visually, we are also able to notice patterns and themes of memories among our team that are collectively shaping our connection/love to design justice.” — Denise Shanté, who facilitated this retreat activity
Seasonal Plans and Strategy: We then moved into the question, “What does the network need most right now? AND How do we (You) know that?” We each responded individually. We asked ourselves “How do we hope to see the Design Justice Mission, Vision, and Intentions (M/V/I) manifest over the next year?” Each of us responded to the question personally, and then we shared our responses as a team. A lot of our ideas overlapped and spoke to some of the key takeaways of the retreat, and brought out many ideas that DJN members have shared or asked for.
Key Takeaways
We know we need to develop more support and grow the Staff team.
On Day One, we explored our Seasonal Plan and had a Strategy Session. We reviewed all of our Stakeholders, including Local Nodes, Working Groups, Network Coordinators, Communications, Programming, Steering Committee Members, the General Public, and Members. We realized that we need to grow the Staff team to accomplish our plans and better support all stakeholders.
We are going to start seeking grants to support DJN. On Day Two, we reviewed DJN 2022 Priorities. We used prompts including: "What does the network need most right now? AND How do we (You) know that?" as well as "How do we hope to see the M/V/I manifest over the next year?" One key takeaway was that the time has come to start seeking grants to support DJN activities, improve Member benefits, and otherwise realize our Intentions.
We know we need to develop more clarity around budgeting & decision-making.
On Day Two, we also discussed our Decision-Making Processes, including defining different types of decisions and who makes them. We recognize that we need to develop more clarity around budgeting and decision-making, and we want to develop healthy ways for all Network Members to be part of these processes. This is a high priority for us in the coming year.
Attending to Members is a top priority.
When we synthesized our top priorities, these included a Membership Management Platform to ensure a better connection between members and Local Nodes/Working Groups, a membership directory, and the ability of members to self-manage their own memberships (including $, time). We also want to Evaluate Member Benefits, including current benefits, brainstorming and prioritizing ideas for new member benefits, consultation with members about the benefits they you want most, and more.
We developed more clarity around the roles of individual SC members, as well as about how the SC can be most useful to the entire Design Justice Network. As a lead-up to our Day One activity "Seasonal Plans & Strategy," to gain a shared understanding of roles between long-standing SC members and the new SC members, we asked each other a series of survey questions. One goal was to understand our current roles, and how we want our roles to shift in the future. We explored questions such as how long SC members thought their role should last, what skills they wanted to offer, and what felt draining. We also asked how the Steering Committee can be more useful to the entire network while being fulfilled and energized. This helped us sort out how we can better support emerging initiatives and projects.
Next moves
Synthesis and follow-up. Since the retreat, we’ve continued our commitment to biweekly meetings (twice a month), where we’ve been synthesizing the learnings and have been putting them into actionable plans and initiatives. We have also been using these meetings to follow up on the things raised during the retreat that we were not able to resolve during the sessions.
Redefined Staff Roles. We’ve made a lot of progress on redefining the staff roles in order to lessen the burden on DJN Staff while freeing up their capacity to be stewards of the network. We have been able to collectively restructure and identify gaps where new positions would be useful, such as a Communications support contract, while Network Managers Taylor and Victoria are getting acquainted with their newly defined roles.
Planning for network-wide engagement. We are in a planning process for how to organize network-wide engagement, where all Local Nodes, Working Groups, and DJN Members will be invited to help shape shared yearly goals, projects, events, member benefits, themes, and the formation of new initiatives.
Prioritizing Care. We are prioritizing care and the health of Staff, SC, and Members through quarterly pauses, capacity building, such as our search for a new Communications Coordinator, and long-term care strategies, such as our Care Circles series.
We hope that this provides some insight into the activities of the Steering Committee, and we are excited to continue to build the Design Justice Network with all of you!
Wes, Sasha, Denise Shanté, Nour, Boaz, Elena, and Marta,
The Design Justice Network Steering Committee