Recording Now Available: January Welcome Session

These sessions are a space for people who want to learn more about the Design Justice Network (DJN), as well as for new DJN members to meet one another, learn about how to plug into the network, learn a little bit more about the history and vision, and ask any questions that they might have. (We rotate the times of these meetings to suit the needs of the network and multiple time zones!)

Hearing more feedback from our DJN members and signatories, we are trying to host and update these meetings as we learn more about our membership, membership needs, and emerging needs of new folx finding out about design justice in the world. These presentations reflect an updated view of the network, each time one occurs, and incorporated questions from previous sessions, or things we have adapted based on your feedback! Thank you.

Basic Overview:

How do I join the Design Justice Network?
You can sign onto the DJ principles:

Then you can take the next step and become a DJN member:

DJN membership benefits include:

  • Access to the Design Justice Network Slack channel (to keep in touch with other DJN members)

  • Network with movement builders around the world
    Invitations to DJN Member Story sharing sessions (and the opportunity to lead one yourself)

  • DJN Care Circle Space

  • And more, please read:

ACCESS INFO: You can enable Closed Captions on the video above using the CC button! They are live transcriptions - so some words will be spelled incorrectly. For a future session, we hope to have more access info posted/shared in advance. During these live sessions, we always enable automatic closed captions!