June 2021, Design Justice Newsletter

Dear DJN Members, Signatories, and Friends,

While we continue in the ongoing struggle to resist fascism, we are imagining, with you, new worlds and experiences rooted in joy, care and the gradual hope to eliminate the pandemic that has hit everyone, worldwide. Our Design Justice Network mission, vision and strategic intentions process is ongoing, and we look forward to sharing this with you in the near future. 

As a reminder, the Design Justice Network (Steering Committee and Staff) will begin our second quarterly Pause next week: June 28 - July 4 (Upcoming Pauses are also: Fall: Sept 27 - Oct 3 and Winter: Dec 20 - Jan 2 (extended end-of-year)). We’re learning how to model what it means to approach the work of design justice differently, in hopes that DJN members, signatories, friends, and other movements can integrate time to pause as well! 

Don’t forget to REGISTER for the next Welcome to the Design Justice Network Session on July 10th (8 pm ET) and/or watch the May 19th, 2021 session. 

Hearing more feedback from you, we are trying to shorten these emails, we have included the unsubscribe option higher up (this has always been available, but hidden because of length - sorry!), and added additional resources here and on our website. We will be posting full newsletters online to provide an easier experience. (See May’s newsletter, posted here

Thank you, as always, for everything you are doing to live and advocate for design justice in your lives, communities, and the world. 

What’s in this email

If there is anything you'd like to see featured in these newsletters, please feel free to email us directly at designjusticenetwork@gmail.com with the subject line "Newsletter" (if you’re a DJN member, you can also let us know on #comms on Slack). 

Thank you again for all that you are doing to learn and to advance design justice!

- Victoria Barnett, International Network Coordinator, Design Justice Network

Email: designjusticenetwork@gmail.com
Instagram: @designjusticenetwork 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/designjusticenetwork 
Twitter: @design__justice (double underscore) 
Web: designjustice.org


To unsubscribe from this newsletter: https://lists.riseup.net/www/sigrequest/designjustice-news

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List help: <https://riseup.net/lists> and More info on how to unsubscribe: https://riseup.net/en/lists/list-user/subscribing

Upcoming Events

Take a look at what events are coming up and remember you can always check designjustice.org/events for more updates!

Please use these timezone translators to convert to your timezone:

Feel free to send us suggestions to help make these events more accessible anytime at designjusticenetwork@gmail.com. The schedule for all other events is always posted to designjustice.org/events with contact information provided. Get involved! 

Design Justice Resources

Facilitators Connect + Nodes & Working Groups Updates:

The Design Justice Principles at Work working group has formed many sub-groups that are focussing on different areas: zine creation, assessment and workshops. You can contact them at designjustice.atwork@gmail.com to get involved and learn more. They’ll be at the July 10th Welcome to the Design Justice Network session as well! A communications working group is starting up and will convene in early July, while the Scotland node held sessions on Wednesdays during June, focussing on prompts from Lesley-Ann Noel's Critical Alphabet (card deck). The Ohio node held their second reading group meeting, and the Boston, Seattle and Philly nodes held their regular monthly meetings!

The Principles at Work working group is putting together a single PDF issue Zine this summer! The Zine will be a companion to the Principles at Work workshop. It's aimed at folks interested in bringing the Design Justice Network principles and mindsets into their professionalized workplaces. We hope to offer inspiration, tools co-created by the community during the workshops, short essays, illustrations, and more. We are currently seeking submissions, editors, designers, and collaborators. As a DJN member, please join the Design Justice Network #paw-zine channel on Slack and introduce yourself to get started, or reach out to Zine co-leads Sara (@Sara Yang, Editing), Will (@Will Denton, Design) or Lindsay (@Lindsay Miller, Diversity/Inclusion/Accessibility).

To see all current local nodes/working groups, please check our website here: https://designjustice.org/existing-local-nodes. You can also see more information on how to start your own, and the process to follow here: https://designjustice.org/how-to-organize-local-node - this also includes the local nodes zine that was created to support and give guidance to local nodes - but will also be supportive for DJN working groups! 

Paid Opportunities

  • The New School is hiring a Lead Curriculum Designer and Facilitator: The New School is launching an innovative new leadership program for and with Environmental Justice movement leaders. Learn more here.

  • Beytna Design is hiring a Liberatory Design Strategist: The design firm does a lot of work on equity and justice-centred organizational redesigning and co-design projects. Learn more here.

  • Civilla is hiring a UX Researcher: Civilla is a non-profit design studio dedicated to changing the way public-serving institutions work. Learn more here.

  • Montgomery County MD government is hiring a Service Design Lead - Apply here. 

  • Savvy Coop is hiring a Qualitative and UX Researcher. More details here.

Volunteer Opportunities

Other Opportunities

  • Where are the Black Designers Conference: Join the second annual Where are the Black Designers? conference - a FREE and accessible virtual design conference spanning two days. June 26 & 27, 2021 Learn more and Register here.

  • Propose a Track or Network Gathering at the 2022 Allied Media Conference: The deadline is July 12, 2021. Learn more here. *The Design Justice Network will be at the Allied Media conference in some format, and we will seek input from our members on what they’d like to see!

Know of any upcoming opportunities? Let us know if you hear of any opportunities we can share by emailing designjusticenetwork@gmail.com. DJN members, you can also share them in the #opportunities channel on Slack.