Update: Shaping Your Node and Working Group Experience
The Design Justice Network has been growing and shifting in so many amazing ways! One important part of how we do that is gathering and actioning feedback from our DJN members and folx in our Nodes and Working Groups!
This past weekend, node and working groups members participated in ongoing "Shape your node and working group experience" sessions to gather ideas, feedback and dreams in order to ensure their voices are centered in the Node and Working Group experience of the network, all rooted in a sense of abundance, possibility, and joy!
There is also an asynchronous participation space for all members who were unable to attend sessions live, and throughout the coming weeks, there will be additional drop-in sessions for folx to participate in! Sometime in the coming months, a report-back will then be shared, with actionable next steps and points of involvement. Thank you to all those members who have and are participating - we're excited to share this all with you!
The images below display the Miro board whereby members are filling out their ideas and feedback. Each image describes the purpose and questions beneath.
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Screenshot of the Miro board for DJN Shape Your Node and Working Group Experience. 5 different visual sections labeled 1-5, whereby DJN members, node, and working group members would fill in information responding to different prompts. Images with descriptions of prompts are all below!
GIFT: Box 1: What are the gifts of DJN Nodes and Working Groups? Box 2: Are we acting in a way that honors those gifts? Box 3: If so, how did we create that possibility? Box 4: If not, how can we create this possibility?
Left instructions box: Grab a post-it from the various squares and add any comments you’d like to share! Questions to consider are: What was great when you started in your Node or Working Group? What could be improved or was missing when you started or joined your node or working group? What would be helpful for you right now in your node or working group? Or as someone who is new to a node, or a working group? (or the DJN network)
Question: Are all of your needs (as a node or working group) met within the network space in this moment? If yes, how? If not, why not, or what’s missing?
Left instructions box: Grab a post-it from the various squares and add any comments you’d like to share! Questions to consider are: What do you want in a DJN International Network space (online space for members, nodes & working groups, staff, & Steering Committee to connect)? What would be your "must-haves" and your "Dreams"? Any feedback on DJN’s (staff/SC specifically) responding to (adapting) to changes? Are we keeping our intentions present during changes? What do we practice? What do we need to practice? Individually in your node (you), and as a collective?
Question: What type(s) of training, facilitation, and/or resources would be supportive or restorative to you in your role as a facilitator, or as a node or working group member? (Or as a member of the network?)
Left instructions box: Grab a post-it from the various squares and add any comments you’d like to share! Questions to consider are: What do we practice? What do we need to practice? Individually in your node (you), and as a collective? What is your impact? Your node/WG impact? What are you/your group embodying? Where can we grow in supporting you? What can be improved, what can be helpful to you right now?
Question: Space for any other dreams/ideas or feedback you wish to share - for example, if money and resources were no bounds, what would a node or working group look like, be (doing) or have as supports?
Left instructions box: Grab a post-it from the various squares and add any comments you’d like to share! Questions to consider are: What if you could wave a magic wand… What are you dreaming of for yourself and your communities of practice in the coming years? What do you want to happen in DJN and why? What do we practice and what do we need to practice? What is your impact? What do you want you node/Wg/DJN’s impact to be?
Question: What is the next most elegant step for nodes and working groups in DJN?
Left instructions box: Grab a post-it from the various squares and add any comments you’d like to share! Questions to consider are: How can we choreograph together? At what time intervals make sense to you? Your team? What frequency of check-ins do you need? (Eg can we do quarterly meetings? Type of check-in: digital, written, or other? State how do you want to be involved, if at all, in moving these steps forward.